16 years Law Enforcement
3 years Detention
2 years in the training division
Provided training for 420 deputies year round
Provided and managed training for all academy recruits
4 years of the above listed 5 years I was on the Detention Response Team
8 years patrol
3 years Sergeant
Force on Force Instructor
Emergency Vehicle Operation Instructors Course
Field Training Officer
Driving Simulator Instructor
Pistol Instructor
Shotgun Instructor
Patrol Rifle Instructor
L.E. Pistol Instructor
L.E. Shotgun Instructor
L.E. Rifle Instructor
Field Force Operations
WMD Incident Complexities (respiratory Protection)
FN 303 Instructor
BTS Tactical Ground Combatives Instructor
BTS Tactical Weapon Control & Protection Instructor
BTS SPEAR System Instructor
Defensive Tactics/Weaponless Defense Instructor
Oleoresin Capsicum Instructor
Monadnock Expandable Baton Advanced Instructor
Monadnock PR-24 Instructor
ISR Matrix:
Instructor Trainer, Ray Price, has been with the ISR Matrix since 2000. He has assisted with both LE & AF courses. He has implemented ISR Matrix as departmentally approved Defensive Tactics system. ISR taught at user level to 420 officers on a continuing basis (including the documentation of successful usage in the field via Use of Force Reports). Ray has also implemented ISR Matrix as a departmentally approved Defensive Tactics system for 5 of the main Law Enforcement agencies his area. Ray is currently the ISR Matrix LE Assistant Director.
Martial Arts:
Ray Price is a lifelong martial artist who has trained both traditional and modern arts. He currently coaches Brazilian Jiujitsu as
a Black Belt.
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