
The OODA Loop in Self-Defense Training
English · 25. November 2024
Self-defense training often emphasizes defense against static attacks by another person, thereby neglecting other interdisciplinary aspects that may lead to failure in the event of a threatening situation or physical confrontation. A self-defense or personal protection training program should address various areas of concern that can be analyzed across different levels.
Modified Milling Drill for Combatives, Krav Maga and Selfdefense
English · 13. März 2024
Milling is a training activity in the British parachute regiments. For a fixed period, two opponents punch each other in the head as aggressively as possible without evasion. Our "Modified Milling Drill" builds on the tradition of British soldiers, but offers different escalation levels that allow a controlled approach to the drill and thus enable learning adapted to the respective comfort zone.

Mindset - Protection Pentagon
English · 20. Februar 2024
The "Protection Pentagon" model was first presented by us as part of a self-protection training course in 2022 and contains what we consider to be the five essential core elements that can lead to success within a robust self-protection concept: Mindset, Tactics, Skills, Knowledge and Kit
Mindset - Combat Triad by Jeff Cooper
English · 19. Februar 2024
The term "Combat Triad" was used years ago by Jeff Cooper in the field of defensive shooting to describe the three core elements required for a possible successful outcome of a confrontation: Mindset, Gundhandling and Marksmanship. In recent years, the term has become more generalized and now stands for Mindset, Tactics and Skills.

Mindset - Vital Pyramid by John Wiseman
English · 14. Februar 2024
Das Modell "Vital Pyramid" wurde erstmalig von dem ehemaligen SAS-Angehörigen John "Lofty" Wiseman vorgestellt, um die vier Kernelemente zu bezeichnen, die für einen möglichen eThe "Vital Pyramid" model was first introduced by former SAS member John "Lofty" Wiseman to describe the four core elements required for a possible successful outcome of a confrontation.
Sandbag Training for Combatives, Jiu-Jitsu and Judo (Part 4)
English · 06. Februar 2021
Ever thought about putting a heavy sandbag in your jacket and then rowing upright with it? ... not only for the training of Jiu-Jitsu and Judo a brutal attack on the specific strength to grip clothes or a gi. Grip strength can be critical in combat, whether it is in a sporting duel on the mat, attempting to draw a weapon or having someone else grab your own weapon in a real-life confrontation.

Cross-Combat-Training | Keg Lifting for Combatives, Krav Maga and Combat Sports
English · 12. Januar 2021
Kegs or beer kegs are a versatile training tool that can be ideally used in an interdisciplinary strength and conditioning programme that is relevant to us. Training with kegs requires a lot of stability and thus builds reactive strength. The possible exercises form an enormous attack on the entire body, but especially our grip strength and our shoulder and trunk muscles.
Cross-Combat-Training | Sandbag Training for Combatives (Part 2)
English · 02. Januar 2021
A variety of sandbags are available from different suppliers, in different sizes, shapes and handle configurations. Besides special sandbags, such as Throw-Bags / Kettle-Bags or Bulgarian bags, sandbags can be divided into two overarching categories for simplicity: Sandbags with handles and sandbags without handles.

Cross-Combat-Training | Sled Training for Combatives (Part 1)
English · 27. Dezember 2020
Sleds are nowadays used for interval training, high-speed strength training, strongman training and general cardiovascular training, for example. Many of these applications can be used specifically for various martial arts and self-protection systems.
Cross-Combat-Training | Sandbag Training for Combatives (Part 1)
English · 20. Dezember 2020
Similar to the mix of different hybrid systems required for today's physical part of self-protection (boxing, Muay Thai, wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, Luta Livre and more), it is equally important to take a balanced approach to one's fitness. Again, you should design your programme to train agility, endurance, strength, power, mobility and speed.

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P SC Int'l Street Combatives  Krav Maga Unarmed Seminare Seminars Trainerausbildung Certification Instructor Development Program Empty Hands Knife Gun Defense Combative Blade Strategies Selbstverteidigung Kampfsport Selfdefense Hybrid Wrestling Ausbildung
P SC Int'l Street Combatives  Krav Maga Unarmed Seminare Seminars Trainerausbildung Certification Instructor Development Program Empty Hands Knife Gun Defense Combative Blade Strategies Selbstverteidigung Kampfsport Selfdefense Hybrid Combat Wrestling
P SC Int'l Street Combatives  Krav Maga Unarmed Seminare Seminars Trainerausbildung Certification Instructor Development Program Empty Hands Knife Gun Defense Combative Blade Strategies Selbstverteidigung Kampfsport Selfdefense Martial Arts

P SC Int'l Street Combatives  Krav Maga Unarmed Seminare Seminars Trainerausbildung Certification Instructor Development Program Empty Hands Knife Gun Defense Combative Blade Strategies Selbstverteidigung Kampfsport Selfdefense Martial Arts
P SC Int'l Street Combatives  Krav Maga Unarmed Seminare Seminars Trainerausbildung Certification Instructor Development Program Empty Hands Knife Gun Defense Combative Blade Strategies Selbstverteidigung Kampfsport Selfdefense Martial Arts
I SC Int'l Street Combatives  Krav Maga Seminari disarmati Formazione Certificazione Programma di sviluppo per istruttori Mani vuote Coltello Difesa con armi da fuoco Strategie di autodifesa Arti Marziali Autodifesa

P SC Int'l Street Combatives  Krav Maga Unarmed Seminare Seminars Trainerausbildung Certification Instructor Development Program Empty Hands Knife Gun Defense Combative Blade Strategies Selbstverteidigung Kampfsport Selfdefense Martial Arts
P SC Int'l Street Combatives  Krav Maga Unarmed Seminare Seminars Trainerausbildung Certification Instructor Development Program Empty Hands Knife Gun Defense Combative Blade Strategies Selbstverteidigung Kampfsport Selfdefense Hybrid Combat Wrestling
P SC Int'l Street Combatives  Krav Maga Unarmed Seminare Seminars Trainerausbildung Certification Instructor Development Program Empty Hands Knife Gun Defense Combative Blade Strategies Selbstverteidigung Kampfsport Selfdefense Martial Arts